Thursday, January 24, 2008

Just musing...... no more

I have never been too comfortable with a blogspot for some reason. First there is not a great deal to say that would be of interest to anyone. If I had few enough people with which to correspond and discuss the issues that concern me, maybe a blogspot. But why should these things which concern me, be of concern to any other person?

There is a Taoist or Zen saying which suggests to travel everywhere we need never leave the place we are at in any given moment, that we can tap into the whole of the planet and the universe where we sit and meditate. But is that right? Only those who can do it will know it can be done.

There will be much to consider, because with each day there is something which comes to the fore. These may not be pressing things, but then the pressing thing will hot need to be dealt with because they will be already too late. The extinction of species is a classic example. Trying to stop that is hopeless, already too many species have been wiped from existence, and is that a good or bad thing. It is, nothing more.

So maybe this is a good sounding board and there will be some who feel in part as I do myself, and those who do not, will just do as they feel and ignore it entirely. This is a place to get things out into the air and allow them to oxidise, to become as they will, something more tangible and so allowing me to better examine them.

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