A class action which appears to be spurred on by Bob Katter and was apparently brought on by Emily Brett makes on wonder how any cattle producer, who say they care about their beasts and their welfare, would want to get on board.
This is so cynical. Especially after the pictures of cruelty and torture to animals in the abattoirs overseas were exposed before the live cattle trade was suspended. So it's true, that cattle producers do care more for money than the welfare of the animals they sell. Out the gate, out of mind.
There is nothing much that can be said about this other than, greed has taken the lead and cattle producers really don't care about their cattle once they leave the farm gate, nothing else can be assumed, nothing else is more certain.
The live cattle trade should have been stopped and never allowed to restart. Cruelty should never be rewarded.
It was the cattle producers who abandoned their duty of care. The government was too weak to stop the trade.
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